Montana June 2007

We spent the week in Missoula and got to do lots of fun stuff. Sylvan was very excited to visit the National Bison Range and see adult and baby buffalo up close from the car. She also was treated to a visit to Charlene’s dance studio and was gifted with a tutu and tap shoes. She dressed up in many costume from the dance school costume closet – the funniest was the reindeer costume. Sylvan also played more with Jewel the Dog.

The other big treat was that we got to attend the Hellgate Choir Concert, which Katie and Connor both performed in. It was the final one of the year, so Katie and the other seniors were all feted and received lots of awards and recognition. The Chevaliers did a selection of songs from Hairspray, which is why Katie (center) is all dressed up in the black and pink miniskirt outfit w/ the black boots. In the Choir (red robes), she is in the top row on the right side. Connor’s group did songs from Grease, so he was dressed in motorcycle jacket, jeans and white t shirt. He is in the middle, slightly to the right side.

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