Easter 2006

We celebrated Easter a whole bunch – 1 egg hunt at daycare, with pre-hunt parade around the school wearing Easter crowns and carrying baskets, all made by the kids. I got to attend, which was good because if I had not been there, Sylvan wouldn’t have found a single egg – those bigger kids are so fast and not at all concerned that the little kids might be trampled or left out of the hunt. We also attended the local City egg hunt, which had several areas arranged by age group. Sylvan was in the youngest --- 3 and under – age group, and that was less of a hunt and more of a candy grab. As you can see, they just took a 300 sq. ft. part of the field, roped it off and dumped candy and eggs all over it. In this group Sylvan was one of the oldest, but she still didn’t jump right in. The third egg hunt was a private one for Sylvan only, in our backyard. She had so much fun finding the eggs that we re-hid them several times, just like last year.

The little boy in the orange shirt is JP, our friend. Sylvan likes him a lot, even though he is “still a baby” in Sylvan’s estimation.

On Easter Sunday, the Easter bunny left Sylvan a nice big basket of goodies outside her bedroom door. She was very pleased by the chocolate bunny, and was very surprised when I let her eat some chocolate before breakfast. She really liked the plastic sparkley headbands that the Easter Bunny brought her.

We celebrated Scottie’s birthday on Easter at our house, and Sylvan helped me make a chocolate bunny cake for his birthday cake. She did a great job licking the beaters.

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