23 Months, 2 Weeks

We got a giant tub of sidewalk chalk, so we decorated the patio. Then I decided to combine two of Sylvan’s greatest loves – jumping and drawing. I drew a small hopscotch board on the sidewalk and off she went. I didn’t think she would ever stop playing! She got pretty good at landing inside the squares, but she still can’t hop on one foot yet. Auntie Jenny’s new kitten, Marley, is very fun. Sylvan is good at throwing balls for her to pounce on and petting her gently. She gets alarmed when she comes very close, I think because she runs so fast. Sylvan and Daddy had a great time playing with dry ice that came in a package we got this week. Sylvan enjoyed blowing the steam out of the bowl. Sylvan continues to be more and more independent at dance class. She follows Miss Lisa’s instructions very well and got to play a tambourine this week. She also got to be first on the trampoline and jumped for a long time.

As a bonus, Jenny took a movie at Ballerina Class this week – the kids are running around doing “Airplane Arms” . It’s pretty funny and gives a good example of what the class is like – very chaotic and fun.

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