22 Months, 1 Week

I got a nice shot of Sylvan during her playdate with Antonio, Kylie, and Hannah while they enjoyed fudge bars after our trip to the park. We drove down to the tidal basin on Saturday at 7:30 AM to beat the rush and see the cherry blossoms at peak bloom. Unfortunately we did not beat the rush and we couldn’t find parking, so we only got to see them from the car. Oh well. Aunt Nancy got some nice pictures anyway, which you see here. Sylvan continues to participate more and more at Baby Ballerina class. This is her second session now, so she is one of the more experienced kids in the class now. She was Miss Lisa’s partner last week to demonstrate some new moves. You can see her demonstrating “flamingo legs” in the pictures below. The trampoline remains her favorite part of class.

Play dough is a fun thing these days, though she mostly likes to squish her fingers in it and pull off tiny pieces to stick elsewhere in the lump. I guess sculpture will come later. I tried several times to get some self portraits of me and Sylvan, but she wasn’t very cooperative. I have the best of them below. I especially like the one where we are both modeling her Happy Meal sunglasses.

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